Donnerstag, 12. November 2015

Di zeit

My translation of DIE ZEIT’s interview with Thomas Piketty is now hosted by TheWire. Congenial young pianist Luca is just one step from a big international career when a sudden accident destroys all his hopes and dreams. The reason five months of negotiations between Greece and Europe led to impasse is that Dr Schäuble was determined that they would.

Di zeit

Am 21. Januar 2016 lädt DIE ZEIT gemeinsam mit CMS anlässlich des Weltwirtschaftsforums in Davos ausgewählte Gäste aus Wirtschaft und Politik zu einem Empfang in das Steigenberger Grandhotel Belvédère ein. Germans be happy that even the French government is aligned with the German dogma of austerity?

Di zeit

The site translator for the weekly German newspaper DIE ZEIT (www. Nach Jahren ergebnisloser Verhandlungen ist es endlich soweit - fast 200 Staaten haben sich auf ein Klimaabkommen geeinigt.

Die Zeit («Цайт») — надрегиональная авторитетная ежедневная газета. DIE ZEIT not only informs its readers but it also educates them. In a forceful interview with German newspaper Die Zeit (translated by Gavin Schalliol), Piketty chided Germany for what he calledtheir shocking ignorance of history.

Anybody opening the print edition of Die Zeit can expect a concentrated dose of war propaganda. The latest edition of the German newspaperrepresents a new low point in the current campaign against students at Humboldt University in Berlin who criticize the militarist lectures of Professor Herfried Münkler each week on the blog “Münkler-Watch. The op-ed is part of a larger special supplement byin advance of the annual Falling Walls conference.

Wie einst für Hamlet ist heute die Ordnung der Zeit aus den Fugen geraten.

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